Deck of Cards

  • Sold for $20 a card (for Shootout only)
  • Chance to get your team in the Shootout
  • Bundle Package $50 (includes one DoC, Mulligan Package, Raffle)
  • Purchase a card, tear it in half, one goes in the bucket, the other in your pocket



  • Total of 5 teams participate
  • The top 3 places in the tournament including ties
  • Remaining 2 teams (if available) are drawn from the Deck of Cards
  • If you are a top 3 team and draw a card you eliminate one of the last 2 teams
    • NOTE: If you have ties in the top 3 teams we added an extra opportunity for a team to draw to get in. We can also come up with a tiebreaker from their scorecard.


General Rules

  • Played on a Par 4 hole; alternate shots
  • Top 3 winning teams received prize (we split $1000 donated cash for these prizes)
  • Timed event; starts on the Tee shot and stops when the putt goes in
  • Each team plays with a provided marked ball
  • Player positions:
    • #1 at the Tee Box (with a golf cart)***
    • #2 in the fairway
    • #3 near the edge of the green
    • #4 on the green
    • (if a 5th shot is necessary it must be played by #1)
    • Team with the lowest time wins
  • It usually takes between one minute up to two minutes for a team to complete their turn obviously depending on shots hit and positioning
  • *** It is imperative that as soon as the Tee shot is hit #1 needs to sprint to his cart and get to the green ASAP